What’s Love Got To Do With It?

What’s Love Got To Do With It?

If you read my ramblings with any regularity, you know I don’t believe in accidents: Everything that’s supposed to happen does happen. Everything that’s supposed to happen happens in its own time. And everything that happens happens for a reason....
The Quest for Success: Success

The Quest for Success: Success

Identity becomes voice. Voice defines value. Value creates presence. Presence becomes marketshare. Marketshare ensures success. That’s why. The quest for success is the story of potential achieved. It’s the story of diligence, self-awareness, objective...
The Quest for Success: Marketshare

The Quest for Success: Marketshare

When a brand is known and trusted, it’s accepted. When it’s accepted, it’s bought, literally and figuratively. When it’s bought, it creates marketshare. Marketshare is the evolution of identity to success. Why? The answer is self-evident....
The Quest for Success: Presence

The Quest for Success: Presence

Allowing people to attribute value to a brand creates mindshare. It creates memorability and legitimacy. It engenders trust, comfort, faith. It facilitates the transition from identity to success. Why? The simple answer is: presence. Presence connotes the occupation...
The Quest for Success: Value

The Quest for Success: Value

Voice yields value. It expresses the attributes of the brand. It affiliates speaker and listener. It connects brands with markets, prospects, people. It creates space between itself and its competitors. Why? This answer is not so simple. Value is as subjective as it...