Nitro – The Ride

Nitro – The Ride

ROLLER COASTERS & ANTICIPATION Nitro – The Ride JoAnna Bennett, O’Brien Communications Group 8 October 2020 We had four Coke cans collected in a disposable plastic bag. I heard them clanking into each other and the subtle rustle of the bag every time...
Mr. Fudd Goes to Washington

Mr. Fudd Goes to Washington

I read an article in The Washington Post the other week entitled, “Hot new job title in a pandemic: ‘Head of remote work’”. My first thought was that only the kind of creative imagination that characterizes American business could come up with that title: Head of...
Horizontal Harmony

Horizontal Harmony

SUNSETS & HARMONY Horizontal Harmony JoAnna Bennett, O’Brien Communications Group 1 October 2020 Have you ever seen a sunset while sitting on the beach? When you take a picture of such a breathtaking sight, it never comes out even close to being as vibrant...