Fourth and Long

Fourth and Long

If you’re anything like me, the month or so of meaningless college football bowl games that starts on the Fourth of July and goes through Flag Day gets to be interminably monotonous and boringly predictable. But because I’m not inclined to take any...
Four Years Ago

Four Years Ago

BIRTHDAYS & GRATITUDE Four Years Ago JoAnna Bennett, O’Brien Communications Group 30 December 2021 Four years ago today, I was sitting in a hospital room as a newly labeled mother of two. It was a Saturday, the day after my son was born. And I was in a hazy,...
The Omigosh Variant

The Omigosh Variant

Since we’ve gotten past Christmas — but we still have the New Year holiday to go — the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Schools Undertaking Coronavirus Knowledge, Epidmiologic Research Specialization (SUCKERS) have identified yet another...
Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

PERFORMING & JOY Merry Christmas JoAnna Bennett, O’Brien Communications Group 23 December 2021 I grew up regularly attending a Roman Catholic church. I was an active Youth Group member. I was one of the first alter girls allowed in my parish. And I was in...
’Tis the Season

’Tis the Season

I went to Dunkin’ (the coffee joint formerly known as Dunkin’ Donuts) Saturday morning to get breakfast sandwiches for Anne and me. “Who cares!” I hear you cry. I actually don’t blame you for wondering. But this turned out to be a faith-affirming visit. I pulled into...
Christmas Cookies

Christmas Cookies

CHRISTMAS & FAMILY Christmas Cookies JoAnna Bennett, O’Brien Communications Group 16 December 2021 While driving to the doctor’s office the other day with my son in tow, we discussed our upcoming plans for the weekend. I told him I wanted to make Christmas...