by Mark O'Brien | Dec 13, 2021
teamwork (noun)1. cooperative or coordinated effort on the part of a group of persons acting together as a team or in the interests of a common cause2. work done with a team And, So, It Begins From September of 1987 to June of 1995, I worked for an organization that...
by JoAnna Bennett | Dec 9, 2021
TRUST & PROMISES Trusting Me JoAnna Bennett, O’Brien Communications Group 9 December 2021 In January of this year, instead of making a resolution, I made myself a promise. I promised I would learn to trust myself. I’ve trusted people I shouldn’t have for as...
by Mark O'Brien | Dec 6, 2021
I recently read an article in Risk Management Monitor about remarks made by Bruce Carnegie-Brown, Chairman of Lloyd’s, at the recent RIMS ERM Conference in New York City, on the role of risk management in fighting climate change. I almost stopped reading after I saw...
by JoAnna Bennett | Dec 2, 2021
PARASYMPATHETIC & SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEMS Rest and Digest JoAnna Bennett, O’Brien Communications Group 2 December 2021 It’s a bit difficult to believe Thanksgiving was already one week ago today. But it was. It’s also a bit difficult to believe Christmas...
by JoAnna Bennett | Nov 18, 2021
SHAME & FORGIVENESS Renew JoAnna Bennett, O’Brien Communications Group 18 November 2021 Yesterday I went to the library to pick up my renewed library card. The last time I stepped foot in the library was more than two years ago. Once the pandemic started, I...
by Mark O'Brien | Nov 15, 2021
Our friends at CNBC have joined our friends at Harvard Business Review (HBR) and our other friends in the nation’s capital to collaborate on The Great Infantilization. While our friends at CNBC and HBR are supposed to be educating us, or at least sharing...