by Mark O'Brien | Sep 29, 2015
I love bad movies. In fact, one of my greatest pleasures is staying up till the wee hours of the weekend watching ill-contrived films and wondering; Why were they made? Who financed them? For what return? Did the writer(s) think it was any good? What were the actors...
by Mark O'Brien | Sep 25, 2015
I’ve been looking for some constructive recreational activities with which to fill my idle time, ideally one that also would land me in the news. I can’t believe this one got by me. A dude from Copemish earned his 15 minutes of fame the other day by...
by Mark O'Brien | Sep 24, 2015
I don’t know about you, but I think I take my powers of digestion for granted. What I mean is that, beyond the act of mastication, I don’t give all that much thought to how much my physiology can actually assimilate, let alone metabolize. I was prompted to...
by Mark O'Brien | Sep 17, 2015
People are coming back into vogue, at least in marketing. And I can prove it. Since I’m a believer in the cyclical nature of all things, I knew people would reappear in marketing. I didn’t know when. But I did know why: Data doesn’t buy anything....
by Mark O'Brien | Sep 16, 2015
As Victor Frankenstein discovered, sometimes you don’t know you’re creating a monster until it’s been on its feet for a while. And, as young Vic also found out, once it’s up and around, getting rid of it might pose something of a...
by Mark O'Brien | Sep 15, 2015
If you read as much as I do, you can be overwhelmed by the sheer volume of content being pumped out daily. But if you’re anything like me, you’ve discovered that, like the effort required to find the figurative needle in the proverbial haystack,...