Marketing and Engineering

Marketing and Engineering

The Hartford Business Journal, published right here in my very own Nutmeg State, ran a piece the other day that constituted another timely reminder of Immutable Communication Rules 1 through 6. The piece was called, “Seven Secrets to Project Management...
Catch the Buzz

Catch the Buzz

I was talking to my Zen master, Buzz Siddhartha, the other day. We actually don’t talk much. We usually just sort of stare at each other in ostensible attempts to achieve various states of being and nothingness. (Buzz is French on his mother’s side.) But...
A Screw Loose

A Screw Loose

I was intrigued by a headline I read the other day: “The 3 Business Models That Matter for Connected Hardware Startups”. True to the headline, the article under the headline went on to list  … well … you know. I recognize the likelihood that I...
Beware Free Advice

Beware Free Advice

I saw an announcement on LinkedIn the other day that, on clicking through, brought me to the announcement that Prophet and Altimeter Group are joining forces. (I don’t know anything about either company, nor am I affiliated with either company in any way. Both...
Deep(ak) Thoughts

Deep(ak) Thoughts

Dear Deep, I read your recent LinkedIn post, “How to Get a Clear Mind”, with keen interest. Given the morbid fear of marionettes I developed after an unfortunate childhood incident with Howdy Doody (thank God Buffalo Bob was there), this passage,...
Ice Breakers for Agorophobes

Ice Breakers for Agorophobes

Every once in a while, you happen onto something that makes you appreciate just how hard life can be. On those occasions, you realize how much more sympathetic you can be, how much more helpful you can be, and how much better you can make other people feel as they...