Maintaining Our Footing

Maintaining Our Footing

In his book, The Life of Reason, the American philosopher, poet, novelist, and critic George Santayana (1863-1952) wrote, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to fulfill it.” Fourteen years after September 11, 2001, the matter is not whether...
What’s Your Objective?

What’s Your Objective?

Sometimes LinkedIn posts are as valuable for what they don’t say as they are for what they do say. Case in point: Jeffrey Strickland, Ph.D., CMSP (which stands for County Medical Services Program, California Motorcyclist Safety Program, Custom Medical Stock...
Cuckoo for COCOs

Cuckoo for COCOs

I’m really worried about the future. More specifically, I’m really worried about the future of marketing. A vague sense of uneasiness morphed into full-blown agita when I read something called, “The New Marketing Leader”. I don’t know who...


Since we just celebrated Labor Day in these here United States, I offer these thoughts: As manufacturing supplanted agriculture as the driving economic force in the late 19th Century, the leadership of groups like the Central Labor Union and the Knights of Labor...
Innovation is the New Imagination

Innovation is the New Imagination

Another wonderful word has bitten the generational dust, kids: imagination. “Yeah,” I hear you thinking. “This arbitrary substitution of terminology happens all the time. It’s the way of a world committed to creating the illusion of thoughtful,...
Surround-Sound Scuba

Surround-Sound Scuba

Given the accelerating pace of change, especially technological change, we should have expected this. Even if we’d noticed nothing but the changes in contact-lens technology, we’d have had to recognize that anything was possible; that the limitations...