We’ve Come a Long Way, Baby

We’ve Come a Long Way, Baby

At risk of having you think I doth protest too much, I’m not prudish, at least as far as language is concerned. Truth be told, my language is, on occasion, salty enough to float rocks. But I, nevertheless, do try to maintain a modicum of linguistic decorum in...
Microfiber Essentials

Microfiber Essentials

Okay. We live in a world of specialization. I got that. But who’d have imagined we’d require specialized means of cleaning microfibers? If you even have to ask that question, it’s the rough equivalent of wanting to know how much it costs to maintain...
Big Words Don’t Equal Big Ideas

Big Words Don’t Equal Big Ideas

I had a meeting with a prospect last week. He was eager to brand and launch his start-up. And he was excited for the opportunity to discuss its positioning and promotion. He was so enthusiastic when we spoke on the phone that I was as fired up as he was on my way to...
The One and Only

The One and Only

In the summer of 1971, I was 17 years old. My friend, Bruce, and I went to see B.B. King at the Oakdale Theater in Wallingford, Connecticut. We may have been the only two white dudes in the place. We most certainly were the youngest. And we were in no way prepared to...
The Zen of Mannix

The Zen of Mannix

Don’t you hate it when you wake up with the theme from Mannix stuck in your head? I used to. It was awful to find myself humming it while I made breakfast. It was frustrating to find myself singing the melody out loud in the shower (although, the acoustics are...
Five Things You Must Do To Survive

Five Things You Must Do To Survive

I was reading an article the other day about more effective blogging. One of its suggestions was to publish lists. As you know, I’m not a fan of lists. But I’m nothing if not open-minded. So, I resolved to give it a shot. Here are the five things you must...