by Mark O'Brien | May 11, 2015
Because I’m an almost universally recognized, globally renowned, and highly sought expert in my field; because I’m a household name on most continents; and because I’m unfailingly modest, I’m perennially asked: “Dude. What do you consider...
by Mark O'Brien | May 8, 2015
I read an article in Quartz that gave me pause: “People With Tattoos Report the Apple Watch is Having Trouble Determining They are Alive”: A few early-adopter Apple Watch owners complained that they seemed to be having issues receiving notifications...
by Mark O'Brien | May 6, 2015
I’d expressed my disdain for experts in these pages before. Well, okay. More than once. All right already. More than twice. Nevertheless, a colleague shared this LinkedIn post with me and made the cardinal mistake of asking my opinion. Is it me, or have we...
by Mark O'Brien | May 4, 2015
Since I mentioned the summer of 1964 in a previous post, I offer this one about a more recent encounter prompted by my having read the news item below: WESTBROOK, CONN – The Westbrook Fire Marshall is trying to determine the cause of an early morning fire at 20 Cherry...
by Mark O'Brien | Apr 30, 2015
I don’t know if I’m your garden-variety hoarder. But I do tend to be a rather indiscriminate and prolific accumulator of thoughts. And I like to hang onto them until two or more present common threads in some form or fashion. In this instance, three of...
by Mark O'Brien | Apr 29, 2015
Here’s one of the most commonly dispensed, least-examined admonitions I can think of: “Don’t burn your bridges.” Provided you exercise at least a modicum of discernment and discrimination, why not? To establish the point, I offer this brief,...