by Mark O'Brien | Jan 22, 2016
The truth is that the strong don’t always survive. Usually the weak survive and the cowardly and the mediocre. They gather their forces to destroy the strong because the strong are at the core of their fear. (Pete Hamill, Forever) The same day I published this...
by Mark O'Brien | Jan 20, 2016
When will they ever learn/When will they ever learn? As a naïve adolescent in the ’60s, I bought into all the equally naïve, adolescent claptrap about peace, love, harmony, and understanding. As I got older and more observant, I realized all the naïveté, all the...
by Mark O'Brien | Jan 14, 2016
Whoa! For a second there, I thought it was 2016. Then this yanked me back to reality: “Here’s what hiring managers REALLY think of your tattoos” (WARNING: Exhausting infographic to follow.) That’s right. In whatever year this is, evidently some...
by Mark O'Brien | Jan 13, 2016
This was quite the morning. First, I read this, from my horoscope: How exactly do you hold onto your ideals in a world where it seems like the whole game is rigged for greed, competition, and conformity? Then I read this — “John Edwards (yes, that one) looks to...
by Mark O'Brien | Jan 11, 2016
I’ve fought it long enough. In recent days, there have been reports published by Deloitte, PwC, Ernst & Young, Boston Consulting Group, Accenture, KPMG, Bain & Company, Booz & Company, McKinsey & Company, and Artie Fleegleman & Company...
by Mark O'Brien | Dec 24, 2015
Bearing in mind that The Hero With a Thousand Faces, From Ritual to Romance, and The Golden Bough are among the most influential books in my life, I offer this reflection, with apologies to real poets everywhere: The venerable holidays are fast upon us now. The...