

Since I’m nothing if not eternally optimistic, I admit to being a tad perplexed by the fact that, as a species, we remain almost impregnably naive about all matters related to electronic communications. After all, it’s been at least 35 years since Al Gore...
Hyperbole: It’s What’s For Dinner

Hyperbole: It’s What’s For Dinner

I don’t know Jim Durbin. But I like him already. Anyone who would write this clearly, directly, and truthfully is a man after my own heart: Cut the crap. Learn to be honest and write honestly. Talk about steady work, opportunity for advancement, well-run...
I Can See Clearly Now

I Can See Clearly Now

When my sons were younger, I’d take them to a pediatric ophthalmologist, Dr. Mitchell, for their periodic eye exams. During one such visit, somewhere around the time of my 40th birthday, Dr. Mitchell handed me an article about the perils of radial keratotomy....
Trade Show Trade-Offs

Trade Show Trade-Offs

The other day I saw a photograph of a Chief Sales & Marketing Officer manning a booth at a trade show. At first, it didn’t make much of an impression, one way or the other. But the more I thought about it, the more curious it made me. Presuming the dude in...
Hammers and Zoogers

Hammers and Zoogers

I thank two people for inspiring this post — Nate Fakes, proprietor of Nate Fakes Cartoons; creator of the nationally syndicated comic strip, Break of Day (whence the image above derives); the illustrator of Thought Leadership, our popular, monthly comic strip; and...
The Medium is the (Errant) Message

The Medium is the (Errant) Message

If Marshall McLuhan was correct in his assertion that the medium is the message (I believe he was), then this article from Britain’s Marketing, is much ado about nothing: According to some industry people, there is a resemblance between Coke’s ad, created...