by Mark O'Brien | Dec 12, 2016
This just in, kids. According to Harvard Business Review, networking events are a waste of time. That’s right. The author, who’s the founder and CEO of an un-networking community, has this to say: Regardless of how you define networking, your success will...
by Mark O'Brien | Apr 7, 2016
The blind squirrel found an acorn. It was bound to happen. After stumbling around in an amaurotic crepuscule, falling out of a few trees, and living in a virtually opaque stupor, the scansorial rodent finally discovered what empiricists working with even modestly...
by Mark O'Brien | Dec 4, 2015
I came across a post from some self-important schmo — “My Social Media Doctrine” — that’s a perfect indication of the extent to which the rampancy of COTUS (Center of the Universe Syndrome) is fast approaching epidemic status. The post and the schmo...
by Mark O'Brien | Sep 10, 2015
Sometimes LinkedIn posts are as valuable for what they don’t say as they are for what they do say. Case in point: Jeffrey Strickland, Ph.D., CMSP (which stands for County Medical Services Program, California Motorcyclist Safety Program, Custom Medical Stock...
by Mark O'Brien | Aug 19, 2015
promise (noun): a declaration that something will or will not be done, given, etc.; e.g., unkept political promises Just when you thought it was safe to hypothesize that human nature might have evolved emotionally and psychologically to a point at which the...
by Mark O'Brien | Aug 18, 2015
The bandwagon is about to get a little more crowded, kids. According to Neil Hughes, Twitter might be on the verge of ditching its differentiation: “Has Twitter Ditched 140 Character Limit to Crack Dark Social?” Why would they do such a thing? For two...