Microfiber Essentials

Microfiber Essentials

Okay. We live in a world of specialization. I got that. But who’d have imagined we’d require specialized means of cleaning microfibers? If you even have to ask that question, it’s the rough equivalent of wanting to know how much it costs to maintain...
Sometimes a Page is Just a Page

Sometimes a Page is Just a Page

Here’s a partial list of the things most companies say they want on the pages of their websites: Sizzle. Fashion Shows. Popularity contests. Pizzazz. Things that make the boss happy. The kitchen sink and all the attendant plumbing. Cool stuff. And here’s...
Stacking the (PowerPoint) Deck

Stacking the (PowerPoint) Deck

Let’s presume you give your sales people some rudimentary orientation. Let’s presume that, in lieu of formal sales training, you give them some fundamental introduction to your company, what it does, and (most important) why it does what it does. And...
The Wonders of Technology

The Wonders of Technology

I read an article in Quartz that gave me pause: “People With Tattoos Report the Apple Watch is Having Trouble Determining They are Alive”: A few early-adopter Apple Watch owners complained that they seemed to be having issues receiving notifications...
Gray Social

Gray Social

A man is his own easiest dupe, for what he wishes to be true he generally believes to be true. (Demosthenes) We’ve written about the seemingly declining substance of the content in Harvard Business Review (HBR) before. We’ve also written about the...
The Solutions Solution

The Solutions Solution

While surfing the web the other day, I came across a company, the website of which said this, in part: [We provide] world-class solutions for tools-based modernization solutions. No. I’m not making that up for the purpose of making a point. Like innovation,...