by Mark O'Brien | Mar 9, 2015
The Dumbing of America preceded television programs like Jerry Springer, Oprah, The View, Real Housewives, and every other broadcast and popular-culture offering that indicates the decline of Western Civilization and reduces the public discourse to the level of...
by Mark O'Brien | Mar 6, 2015
As he got older, Grandpa O’Brien was increasingly bemused by things he couldn’t understand. Whether those things were familial, commercial, cultural, or political, they’d elicit the same reaction: a wry smile, a shake of the head both mystified and...
by Mark O'Brien | Mar 5, 2015
Floyd and Boyd are not real people. But they play them on TV. They recently engaged in this discussion during an episode of Unreal People on UPC (the Unreal People Channel). Floyd: Why don’t companies market to vendors? Boyd: What? Floyd: If companies need the...
by Mark O'Brien | Feb 26, 2015
According to, hype is a derivation of hyperbole: Origin: 1925–30, Americanism; in sense “to trick, swindle,” of uncertain origin; subsequent senses perhaps by reanalysis as a shortening of hyperbole That’s easy enough to imagine. A hyperbolic pitch...
by Mark O'Brien | Feb 24, 2015
One of the joys of my life is being compelled to conduct Internet searches to determine the ostensible meanings of the latest abbreviations, acronyms, or jargon. Here’s the item that got my attention most recently: At the most basic level — even for companies...