Trust Everybody, But Cut the Cards*

Trust Everybody, But Cut the Cards*

A gentleman named Venky Ramachandran (“I design context for the Future of Work”) wrote a LinkedIn post recently that made it easy enough to imagine he’ll soon be designing the context for his the Future of his own Work, since he had the courage (or...
It’s About the Fight

It’s About the Fight

Seth Godin published a recent post that said this, in part: There are plenty of people who will pander, race to the bottom, and figure out how to, “give the public what it wants.” But that doesn’t have to be you. Professionals have standards....
10 More Red Flags Not to Hire That Promising Candidate

10 More Red Flags Not to Hire That Promising Candidate

The dense streak that necessitated the publishing of “Ten More Signs Your Manager Wants You Out” to let employees know when they’d already hit the skids continues. Only now it extends to the manager who wants you out. That’s right. Apparently,...
Ten More Signs Your Manager Wants You Out

Ten More Signs Your Manager Wants You Out

Some 20-plus years ago, I was asked by the company for which I worked to fly from Connecticut to Virginia for a meeting on a Friday afternoon. It turned out to be the most amateurish, unprofessional, and bureaucratically typical exercise in passive-aggressive...