The Variable SEO Scale

The Variable SEO Scale

I was right on the verge of doing something drastic. And I wasn’t taking chances: I had a full can of Drano, five cyanide capsules, two guns, five razor blades, a noose, and a Barry Manilow DVD. A client — a provider of enterprise software and services — had...
It’s Only Words

It’s Only Words

If you want an indication of the causal relationships between language and culture, business, the popular jargon of both, and the confusion of everything, consider this: “Charm School for Mavericks’ Re-cap”. Said charm school was a session intended...
Contagious Human Characters

Contagious Human Characters

Forbes has introduced something called BrandVoice, which it describes thusly: Forbes BrandVoice allows marketers to connect directly with the Forbes audience by enabling them to create content – and participate in the conversation – on the Forbes digital publishing...
Innovating Disruptive Quackery

Innovating Disruptive Quackery

I love bad movies. In fact, one of my greatest pleasures is staying up till the wee hours of the weekend watching ill-contrived films and wondering; Why were they made? Who financed them? For what return? Did the writer(s) think it was any good? What were the actors...
Lies, Damn Lies, and the Abuse of Marketing

Lies, Damn Lies, and the Abuse of Marketing

Despite the fact that some of my ravings might suggest otherwise, I love marketing. I love it with a passion. So, with equal passion, I hate its being abused. As one indication of its abuse, I enter into evidence this post — “Which Technologies and Content Types...
A Belly Full of Content Marketing

A Belly Full of Content Marketing

I don’t know about you, but I think I take my powers of digestion for granted. What I mean is that, beyond the act of mastication, I don’t give all that much thought to how much my physiology can actually assimilate, let alone metabolize. I was prompted to...