by Mark O'Brien | Jan 22, 2016
The truth is that the strong don’t always survive. Usually the weak survive and the cowardly and the mediocre. They gather their forces to destroy the strong because the strong are at the core of their fear. (Pete Hamill, Forever) The same day I published this...
by Mark O'Brien | Dec 1, 2015
As every consummate consumer knows, the Friday after Thanksgiving is known as Black Friday. The term is a marketing and public-relations abbreviation of the full name — Black-Eye Friday — which comes from all the shiners given and received in the shameless,...
by Mark O'Brien | Nov 23, 2015
I’m noticing what seems to be a proliferation of a phenomenon called use cases. These seem to constitute vignettes or scenarios in which sellers of products or services illustrate various applications of said products or services — having already elucidated the...
by Mark O'Brien | Oct 8, 2015
Forbes has introduced something called BrandVoice, which it describes thusly: Forbes BrandVoice allows marketers to connect directly with the Forbes audience by enabling them to create content – and participate in the conversation – on the Forbes digital publishing...
by Mark O'Brien | Sep 24, 2015
I don’t know about you, but I think I take my powers of digestion for granted. What I mean is that, beyond the act of mastication, I don’t give all that much thought to how much my physiology can actually assimilate, let alone metabolize. I was prompted to...