by Mark O'Brien | Feb 10, 2016
That creaking sound you hear is Western Civilization, or at least the English-speaking parts of it, teetering on the edge of the abyss. That’s right. We’ve finally devolved to the point at which Inc., a Forbes publication, has to publish an article about a...
by Mark O'Brien | Feb 3, 2016
In the random reading that’s something of an avocation for me, I came across this: “Why The Shape Of A Company’s Logo Matters”. The article purported to present the results of some faux-scientific research conducted by several people, some of...
by Mark O'Brien | Jan 29, 2016
This may seem premature. But I’m wondering if you’re confused yet. Good. So am I. Since I’m in the marketing and advertising businesses, at least to a certain extent, I’m always curious (Wow! What’s that?), intrigued (Hey! That’s...
by Mark O'Brien | Jan 20, 2016
When will they ever learn/When will they ever learn? As a naïve adolescent in the ’60s, I bought into all the equally naïve, adolescent claptrap about peace, love, harmony, and understanding. As I got older and more observant, I realized all the naïveté, all the...
by Mark O'Brien | Jan 14, 2016
Whoa! For a second there, I thought it was 2016. Then this yanked me back to reality: “Here’s what hiring managers REALLY think of your tattoos” (WARNING: Exhausting infographic to follow.) That’s right. In whatever year this is, evidently some...