I Wonder

I Wonder

Years ago, returning from a Sunday afternoon outing with some friends in their station wagon, I said I couldn’t believe the weekend was ending — the next day would be Monday already. The three-year-old daughter of my friends called to her father from the...
The Science of Best Practices

The Science of Best Practices

Though we’ve written about best practices before, we still hear references to them and read articles about them with disarming frequency. That frequency is disarming because it reflects stasis — a kind of settling for inactivity or unimaginativeness, rather than...
A Thought

A Thought

Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few engage in it. (Henry Ford) A friend froze me in my tracks the other day. In the midst of a conversation we were having, he said: “I have a thought.” I couldn’t believe it....
The Father of Invention

The Father of Invention

Necessity is the mother of invention. (variously attributed) Historians are inching closer to consensus on the notion that if necessity is the mother invention, recreation must be the father of invention. While all of history has manifested evidence of males’...