It’s Hip to Be Hip

It’s Hip to Be Hip

There’s nothing I enjoy more than being made to think about things I haven’t thought about before. That’s why I was overjoyed to read this post about the fall TV premieres. It made me think about a group of people I’d never been prompted to...
DeFacing LinkedIn

DeFacing LinkedIn

There are times at which you have no choice but to accept the fact that you’re going to be judged as being callous. At those times, you simply have to be okay with it. That’s why I’m okay if I’m judged as being callous for vehemently expressing this...
Gray Social

Gray Social

A man is his own easiest dupe, for what he wishes to be true he generally believes to be true. (Demosthenes) We’ve written about the seemingly declining substance of the content in Harvard Business Review (HBR) before. We’ve also written about the...