by Mark O'Brien | Jul 28, 2016
Oh, boy. Here’s another guy who wants to tell us what to do. It’s no coincidence, by the way, that he also wants to sell us something (dig a little more deeply under the free free Web training*): Interested in more? This article is an adaptation of a...
by Mark O'Brien | Jul 11, 2016
These are tough times here in these United States. Seeming to be anything but united, we seem to be intent on finding every way imaginable to divide, to disagree, to fight, to kill, and to point fingers at everyone but ourselves for what we’re doing, for the...
by Mark O'Brien | Jun 23, 2016
The perils of ingesting gluten have been fairly exhaustively chronicled, here and in other other, almost equally august media. Nevertheless, as is our incorrigibly human knack, we remain susceptibly gullible to all manner of fads, frauds, flimflams, and other forms of...
by Mark O'Brien | May 31, 2016
Some 20-plus years ago, I was asked by the company for which I worked to fly from Connecticut to Virginia for a meeting on a Friday afternoon. It turned out to be the most amateurish, unprofessional, and bureaucratically typical exercise in passive-aggressive...
by Mark O'Brien | May 9, 2016
An ‘ideology’ is like a spirit taking up its abode in a body: it makes that body hop around in certain ways; and that same body would have hopped around in different ways had a different ideology happened to inhabit it. (Kenneth Burke, 1897-1993, from Language as...
by Mark O'Brien | Apr 20, 2016
A client told me she’d gone to Madison Square Garden to see David Gilmour on the last night of his recent North American tour. Hearing that gave me gifts of reminiscence both nostalgic and whimsical. Thinking about David Gilmour and Pink Floyd always reminds me...