Defining Action

Defining Action

In addition to the fact that I love marketing — and in case it’s not already apparent — I love language. I was reminded of that love, yet again, when I read an article from our language-loving friends at Gartner. It’s called, “The Arrival of...
Contagious Human Characters

Contagious Human Characters

Forbes has introduced something called BrandVoice, which it describes thusly: Forbes BrandVoice allows marketers to connect directly with the Forbes audience by enabling them to create content – and participate in the conversation – on the Forbes digital publishing...
Web Advertising: DOA

Web Advertising: DOA

In the two weeks since this post was published — “It’s the End of the Line for the Ad-Supported Web” — the crying has been conspicuous by its absence. Who could have been surprised, let alone despondent? We, in fact, did this to ourselves....
It’s Hip to Be Hip

It’s Hip to Be Hip

There’s nothing I enjoy more than being made to think about things I haven’t thought about before. That’s why I was overjoyed to read this post about the fall TV premieres. It made me think about a group of people I’d never been prompted to...
Lies, Damn Lies, and the Abuse of Marketing

Lies, Damn Lies, and the Abuse of Marketing

Despite the fact that some of my ravings might suggest otherwise, I love marketing. I love it with a passion. So, with equal passion, I hate its being abused. As one indication of its abuse, I enter into evidence this post — “Which Technologies and Content Types...
The Big Chill

The Big Chill

Nothing inspires apprehension like an infomercial called “5 Interview Questions for Your Next Big Data Vendor” from something billing itself as the One-Stop Shop for Big Data, creating the Big Data ecosystem by connecting all stakeholders within the global...