A Seasonal Meditation

A Seasonal Meditation

Bearing in mind that The Hero With a Thousand Faces, From Ritual to Romance, and The Golden Bough are among the most influential books in my life, I offer this reflection, with apologies to real poets everywhere: The venerable holidays are fast upon us now. The...
You’ve Got Male

You’ve Got Male

Because I’m nothing if not fair, balanced, and inclusive, I recognized my duty immediately when I read “The 19 hottest female-founded startups of 2015”. So, without further ado, here are your 10 hottest male-founded startups of 2015: The Beer Sling....
A Punch In the Gut Feeling

A Punch In the Gut Feeling

I’m a sucker. I admit it. I own what was purported to be the deed to the Brooklyn Bridge. And I own swampland in Florida that promises to be prime real estate as soon as climate change renders it an arid plain — or global warming causes the rising seas to turn...
Is Charlie Brown Creative?

Is Charlie Brown Creative?

I couldn’t help thinking about Charles M. Schultz’s most popular character (with the possible exception of Snoopy) when I read “The Dark Side of Creativity”. The article would have us believe creative people are negative, moody, depressive,...
Authenticity is the New Integrity

Authenticity is the New Integrity

If you read this article from Fast Company — “What Does Authenticity Really Mean?”  — you’ll get a smorgasbord of options: According to one person cited in the article, “If you want to be a leader, you have to be yourself—skillfully.” So,...
From the Mailbag: Volume Five

From the Mailbag: Volume Five

Thanks to the volume of correspondence we receive from you, our intrepid and incorrigible readers, we now have more people working in our mailroom than Santa has elves in his workshop. We’re running three shifts, 24/7/365. And we may have to add members to our...