Two Missed Boats

Two Missed Boats

The other day, I saw the LinkedIn profile of a person who’d given himself the title, Freelance Conceptor. When I saw it, I thought, as Robbie Robertson says, “Oh, this is sure stirrin’ up some ghosts for me.” Contemplate that for a moment. For...
Web Advertising: DOA

Web Advertising: DOA

In the two weeks since this post was published — “It’s the End of the Line for the Ad-Supported Web” — the crying has been conspicuous by its absence. Who could have been surprised, let alone despondent? We, in fact, did this to ourselves....
It’s Hip to Be Hip

It’s Hip to Be Hip

There’s nothing I enjoy more than being made to think about things I haven’t thought about before. That’s why I was overjoyed to read this post about the fall TV premieres. It made me think about a group of people I’d never been prompted to...
Lies, Damn Lies, and the Abuse of Marketing

Lies, Damn Lies, and the Abuse of Marketing

Despite the fact that some of my ravings might suggest otherwise, I love marketing. I love it with a passion. So, with equal passion, I hate its being abused. As one indication of its abuse, I enter into evidence this post — “Which Technologies and Content Types...
From the Mailbag: Volume Four

From the Mailbag: Volume Four

As Victor Frankenstein discovered, sometimes you don’t know you’re creating a monster until it’s been on its feet for a while. And, as young Vic also found out, once it’s up and around, getting rid of it might pose something of a...
High Steaks

High Steaks

Some friends recently invited us to their home for dinner. Considerate hosts that they are — and knowing Anne and I are proud, shameless, and card-carrying omnivores — they planned the meal around filet mignon. Once their local butcher made them aware of the fact that...