Marketing Should Be Simple: Part Deux

Marketing Should Be Simple: Part Deux

Perfect order is the forerunner of perfect horror. (Carlos Fuentes) If I weren’t the epitome of the Eternal Optimist — and if I didn’t believe utterly in the cyclical nature of all things (yes, sanity WILL return) — I’d be despondent right about now....
In the Soup

In the Soup

Thou shalt not dilute thy brand.1 Thou shalt not create brand confusion.2 Apparently, the folks at Google neglected to read The Branding Bible (or at least my book therein) before getting themselves in the soup with their recent (re)branding debacle. As result,...
The Promise of Promise

The Promise of Promise

promise (noun): a declaration that something will or will not be done, given, etc.; e.g., unkept political promises Just when you thought it was safe to hypothesize that human nature might have evolved emotionally and psychologically to a point at which the...
The Importance of Brand

The Importance of Brand

In the first college course I ever took, Introduction to Literature, the professor said something that remains with me always: “John Donne’s poetry rewards study.” And so it is with this article in Entrepreneur: “Why Building Your Business...
A Screw Loose

A Screw Loose

I was intrigued by a headline I read the other day: “The 3 Business Models That Matter for Connected Hardware Startups”. True to the headline, the article under the headline went on to list  … well … you know. I recognize the likelihood that I...
Beware Free Advice

Beware Free Advice

I saw an announcement on LinkedIn the other day that, on clicking through, brought me to the announcement that Prophet and Altimeter Group are joining forces. (I don’t know anything about either company, nor am I affiliated with either company in any way. Both...