The Greatest

The Greatest

Sometimes, we measure our gains by taking the measure of our losses. In the span of two-and-a-half years, three hugely influential men have passed from my life — my father, B.B. King, and now Muhammad Ali. There was a point at which I couldn’t imagine my life...
Once and For All

Once and For All

A few years ago, I was boarding a flight from Hartford to Atlanta. The weather was cold. So, as soon as the announcement was made that, in the interest of preserving space in the overhead bins for luggage, no coats should be placed in them, most of the people on the...
What’s Not to Like?

What’s Not to Like?

That creaking sound you hear is Western Civilization, or at least the English-speaking parts of it, teetering on the edge of the abyss. That’s right. We’ve finally devolved to the point at which Inc., a Forbes publication, has to publish an article about a...
The Gentle Realist

The Gentle Realist

I don’t know Steven J. Thompson. But I admire the man. All I know of him, so far, is that he published this post: “Leadership without Arson”. But because of that post, I know and admire these things about Mr. Thompson: He’s a realist. He...


Every once in a while, I like to challenge myself to do something I might not otherwise consider doing. After all, I spend the lion’s share of the lion’s share of my days writing. Aside from putting me in perilous proximity to an alarming number of lions —...