by Mark O'Brien | Feb 6, 2017
I’ve never been one to butter people up. I don’t know why. I seem to somehow lack the knack for telling the truth without ticking someone off.
by Mark O'Brien | Nov 29, 2016
We’re not losing our ability to connect dots, kids. We’re giving it away. That reality was driven home by three things that came to my attention recently. Two of them were articles. The third was a website. Here they are, in order: 6 Cognitive Biases That...
by Mark O'Brien | Mar 21, 2016
According to the WORM (World Organization Rescuing Meaning), the number of bored people in the world has more than septupled since YouTube was invented. Nobody’s really sure why that is, other than the fact that it constitutes innumerable attempts to prove Andy...
by Mark O'Brien | Mar 4, 2016
Some syntactical constructions are a little harder to penetrate than others. The following snippet requires a hammer drill with a diamond bit to permeate, after which it could still stand some explication. The snippet comes from an article entitled, “Why The...