by Mark O'Brien | Feb 27, 2017
As soon as someone decided marketing could be inbound and automated, you had to know there was trouble brewing. Sure enough. The fictionalization of everything has now been extended to People Services (formerly Human Resources or HR). Here’s how I know...
by Mark O'Brien | Jul 11, 2016
These are tough times here in these United States. Seeming to be anything but united, we seem to be intent on finding every way imaginable to divide, to disagree, to fight, to kill, and to point fingers at everyone but ourselves for what we’re doing, for the...
by Mark O'Brien | Mar 11, 2016
Attention brand managers: In case you haven’t yet gotten the memo, you now work for your social-media person. That’s right. According to the social-media person who authored this gem — “Branding isn’t dead, but it’s no longer in your...
by Mark O'Brien | Feb 3, 2016
In the random reading that’s something of an avocation for me, I came across this: “Why The Shape Of A Company’s Logo Matters”. The article purported to present the results of some faux-scientific research conducted by several people, some of...
by Mark O'Brien | Jan 14, 2016
Whoa! For a second there, I thought it was 2016. Then this yanked me back to reality: “Here’s what hiring managers REALLY think of your tattoos” (WARNING: Exhausting infographic to follow.) That’s right. In whatever year this is, evidently some...
by Mark O'Brien | Dec 23, 2015
Because I’m nothing if not fair, balanced, and inclusive, I recognized my duty immediately when I read “The 19 hottest female-founded startups of 2015”. So, without further ado, here are your 10 hottest male-founded startups of 2015: The Beer Sling....