A Belly Full of Content Marketing

A Belly Full of Content Marketing

I don’t know about you, but I think I take my powers of digestion for granted. What I mean is that, beyond the act of mastication, I don’t give all that much thought to how much my physiology can actually assimilate, let alone metabolize. I was prompted to...
People Are People, Too

People Are People, Too

People are coming back into vogue, at least in marketing. And I can prove it. Since I’m a believer in the cyclical nature of all things, I knew people would reappear in marketing. I didn’t know when. But I did know why: Data doesn’t buy anything....
What’s Your Objective?

What’s Your Objective?

Sometimes LinkedIn posts are as valuable for what they don’t say as they are for what they do say. Case in point: Jeffrey Strickland, Ph.D., CMSP (which stands for County Medical Services Program, California Motorcyclist Safety Program, Custom Medical Stock...

Nobody Loves Me But My Mother … and Big Data

It’s official, kids: Big Data is around the bend, out of control, and off the charts. To prove the point, Harvard Business Review published an article called, “Data-Driven Management Can Also Be Compassionate”. Featuring a photograph of...
Marketing: From Revolution to Convolution

Marketing: From Revolution to Convolution

We need to resurrect insult, kids. I don’t mean we should insult each other any more than we already do. I mean it’s time to be more cognizant of being insulted when we are. Exhibit A: “A Contrarian View on Innovation in Advertising & PR”:...
In the Soup

In the Soup

Thou shalt not dilute thy brand.1 Thou shalt not create brand confusion.2 Apparently, the folks at Google neglected to read The Branding Bible (or at least my book therein) before getting themselves in the soup with their recent (re)branding debacle. As result,...