Welcome to the Bandwagon, Twitter

Welcome to the Bandwagon, Twitter

The bandwagon is about to get a little more crowded, kids. According to Neil Hughes, Twitter might be on the verge of ditching its differentiation: “Has Twitter Ditched 140 Character Limit to Crack Dark Social?” Why would they do such a thing? For two...
Writers, Rejoice!

Writers, Rejoice!

Well, well. well. Look what I found. An exoneration. An affirmation. A contradiction of the ever-absurd notion that the only things people will read are bullet points, tweets, or series of acronyms: “Your Customers Like Long-Form Content Much More Than You Think...
Laurence Peter Got it Right

Laurence Peter Got it Right

Disruption is back. Actually, it never really went anywhere — not, at least, since it became a buzzword. It reappeared last month in a post called, “Think outside the box: Adaptation (not disruption) is the game”. The post states concisely in 485 words...
Water Isn’t the Only Thing That Flows Downhill

Water Isn’t the Only Thing That Flows Downhill

In the course of our research for a book we once created as a specialty publishing project — Origin/Destination: 75 Years of the New England Water Environment Association — we learned that it took the residents of Uxbridge, Massachusetts, 50 years to figure out the...


Wow! Sometimes I just can’t believe how coincident (but not coincidental) life can be and, in my case (forgive me for personalizing), how charmed my life can be. Just as I was thinking I was on the verge of a mid-life crisis or some kind of long-term malaise,...
DeFacing LinkedIn

DeFacing LinkedIn

There are times at which you have no choice but to accept the fact that you’re going to be judged as being callous. At those times, you simply have to be okay with it. That’s why I’m okay if I’m judged as being callous for vehemently expressing this...