Star Trek: The Dark Social

Star Trek: The Dark Social

Spock: Captain, why are you wearing that radiation-proof suit and preparing to exit the starship? Kirk: Scotty, Bones, and I are going to measure the Dark Social. Spock: [raises eyebrow] Come again? Kirk: Dark Social. The communication transmissions we get from...
Marketing Double-Talk

Marketing Double-Talk

I left my last corporate job 20 years ago. Even then, I was aware of a phenomenon that continues to become more prevalent: Kleptus vocabularus — the stealing of a lexicon germane to one context for the purpose of deliberately misleading in another context. More...
New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions

I’m not big on New Year’s resolutions. They’re as effective as a Band-Aid to the ski-jump guy: They won’t fix anything, nor will they have meaningful or lasting effects. Nevertheless, my New Year’s resolution is to propose some...
Price Points and Advertising

Price Points and Advertising

My friend and partner, Jonathan Spiliotopoulos, shared an article entitled, “What Startups Need to Know About Ad Tech”. As Jonathan suggested to me, the article’s most salient point might be this: Advertising is essentially divided into two worlds:...
Exchanging Ideas on Brand

Exchanging Ideas on Brand

I recently engaged in a discussion about branding on LinkedIn with a gentleman, Joseph Benson, who proved to be as patient as he is knowledgeable. I offer our exchange here, edited only for brevity and clarity, with Joseph’s permission. Joseph is indicated by...