by Mark O'Brien | Feb 3, 2016
In the random reading that’s something of an avocation for me, I came across this: “Why The Shape Of A Company’s Logo Matters”. The article purported to present the results of some faux-scientific research conducted by several people, some of...
by Mark O'Brien | Jan 4, 2016
In addition to being a Leap Year, 2016 apparently will be Elite Year, at least according to John C. Havens, author of “The Elitism of ‘Out of Office’ in the Age of Automation”. That’s right. The precious few who find employment, along...
by Mark O'Brien | Dec 18, 2015
I’m a sucker. I admit it. I own what was purported to be the deed to the Brooklyn Bridge. And I own swampland in Florida that promises to be prime real estate as soon as climate change renders it an arid plain — or global warming causes the rising seas to turn...
by Mark O'Brien | Nov 30, 2015
I read a post the other day by a British chap who wrote that, when he arrived at his office at 7:30 one morning, the only sound he could hear was the background hum of technology. I immediately wondered: How did he know it wasn’t tinnitus? If you clicked on the...
by Mark O'Brien | Nov 2, 2015
I love dots. And I obsess about connecting them. That’s why I wonder when people obsess about other things, like this — “Leading CMOs Will Excel at Customer Obsession in 2016” — without connecting them to other things, like this: “5 Questions...
by Mark O'Brien | Oct 26, 2015
Now that content marketing has started to demonstrate some rather disappointing (but not surprising) results, the snake oil is flowing hot and heavy. And what’s causing content marketing’s bell curve to descend harrowingly? That’s right: Lack of...