by Mark O'Brien | Feb 2, 2015
I recently read a blog post, “Lead Behaviors not Lead Scores”, by Josh Hill, and a book, Great Sky River, by Gregory Benford. The latter opened my eyes to the former. In Great Sky River, the last of humanity fights to survive on Snowglade, pursued by...
by Mark O'Brien | Jan 21, 2015
Spock: Captain, why are you wearing that radiation-proof suit and preparing to exit the starship? Kirk: Scotty, Bones, and I are going to measure the Dark Social. Spock: [raises eyebrow] Come again? Kirk: Dark Social. The communication transmissions we get from...
by Mark O'Brien | Jan 13, 2015
Good news, kids: We’re no longer complex creatures. We’re neither cryptic nor complicated. Anfractuous behavioral lines are now — if not perfectly straight — at least malleable. Outcomes are predictable. That’s right. We have experience maps. An...
by Mark O'Brien | Jan 12, 2015
Companies complain about the effect of ad-blocking on their revenue streams. They have a point … to a point. Blocking ads does break the traditional covenant in which users gain access to content in exchange for exposure to advertising. But the complainants...
by Mark O'Brien | Jan 8, 2015
For those of us who care about such things, it’s fascinating to note that keyboard design and composition have remained largely unchanged since Enrico Royal brought the first typewriter to the United States aboard Christopher Columbus’ flagship, Santa...
by Mark O'Brien | Jan 6, 2015
I left my last corporate job 20 years ago. Even then, I was aware of a phenomenon that continues to become more prevalent: Kleptus vocabularus — the stealing of a lexicon germane to one context for the purpose of deliberately misleading in another context. More...