The Figurative Jungle

The Figurative Jungle

I’ve added to my fledgling collection of books for children by authoring another one, entitled The One and Only Ben. It’s being illustrated by a multi-talented young woman, Shelley Shaw. The image above is the first illustration Shelley created for the book. In brief,...
i been peroccupied with dicks

i been peroccupied with dicks

Being in the communications racket may make me a little more sensitive to intelligibility than most. And I may have a slight hyper-percipience when it comes to perceptions of linguistic decorum. But there are some occasions on which you just can’t help but...
Danger in Numbers

Danger in Numbers

Shelley Lucas, a very astute professional acquaintance, published a sorely needed post the other day: “The Missing Link: What CMOs & CIOs Really Need To Be Doing Together”. As Howard Cosell might have said, it contained a veritable plethora of quotable...


Since I’m nothing if not eternally optimistic, I admit to being a tad perplexed by the fact that, as a species, we remain almost impregnably naive about all matters related to electronic communications. After all, it’s been at least 35 years since Al Gore...
I Identify as Confused

I Identify as Confused

White is the new black. I don’t know yet if black is (or can be) the new white. (All things considered, why would black people want to be white anyway?) But I do know that seriousness — like empiricism — is a dying art. I wonder: Are we grateful that we have the...
Hyperbole: It’s What’s For Dinner

Hyperbole: It’s What’s For Dinner

I don’t know Jim Durbin. But I like him already. Anyone who would write this clearly, directly, and truthfully is a man after my own heart: Cut the crap. Learn to be honest and write honestly. Talk about steady work, opportunity for advancement, well-run...