by Mark O'Brien | Apr 10, 2015
The only thing more amazing than the things for which we fall is the length of time for which we continue to fall for them. Given the popularity of inbound marketing and marketing automation, I’d have imaged them to be relatively new phenomena. I’d have...
by Mark O'Brien | Apr 9, 2015
Is any tired rhetorical trope more trite and trivial than making a difference? “We’re making a difference.” “Let’s make a difference.” “One person can make a difference.” “Our company is making a difference.”...
by Mark O'Brien | Apr 8, 2015
More than 13 years ago, I wrote this piece for Tech Decisions magazine (now Property Casualty 360). I found it while searching the Web for something else entirely, was surprised to find it still out there, to find it still relevant, and to find its relevance still...
by Mark O'Brien | Apr 3, 2015
Since it was clear I was more surprised than Biff was, I spoke up first; although, it was more a reflexive exclamation than a considered inquiry: “Is something wrong …?” “No,” Biff replied calmly. “What makes you ask?”...
by Mark O'Brien | Mar 30, 2015
Here it comes, kids. I’d just about gotten my stomach settled after the nausea-inducing wave of inbound marketing, marketing automation, and ad tech … then the next wave hit. That wave, of course, is experience marketing. That’s right. Since feeling...
by Mark O'Brien | Mar 26, 2015
ZEPHYR COVE, Nev. — A 53-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of being naked near a high school on Lake Tahoe’s east shore … after three Whittell High School students reported spotting him tied to a rock and lying face down behind the school. When the students...