It’s About the Fight

It’s About the Fight

Seth Godin published a recent post that said this, in part: There are plenty of people who will pander, race to the bottom, and figure out how to, “give the public what it wants.” But that doesn’t have to be you. Professionals have standards....
No Dots in the Echo Chamber

No Dots in the Echo Chamber

We’re not losing our ability to connect dots, kids. We’re giving it away. That reality was driven home by three things that came to my attention recently. Two of them were articles. The third was a website. Here they are, in order: 6 Cognitive Biases That...
The Empath to Reality

The Empath to Reality

Sincerity is everything. Once you learn to fake that, you’ve got it made. (Variously attributed.) As I get older, I continually wonder about reality, about the nature of reality, about our ability to perceive reality, and whether there is any objective reality...
Have You Heard From Yourself Lately?

Have You Heard From Yourself Lately?

It must have been a slow news day at the Wall Street Journal. The editors commissioned Alina Dizik (God bless her for being young) to write a piece about office space. She produced the article, “Open Offices Are Losing Some of Their Openness”, which,...
An Evening of Hartford History

An Evening of Hartford History

During a recent visit to the Infinity Music Hall & Bistro in Hartford, Connecticut, to see and hear Marc Cohn perform, I ran into a friend, who happens to be an architect. That led to a later discussion with Anne Bjorkland* about the depressed market for...
On the Road … to Business

On the Road … to Business

A confession: As a late-blooming college student (I was 28 when I hit the hallowed halls of higher education), I became a Literature major because I didn’t have the vaguest notion of what I wanted to be when I grew up. I still don’t. I still haven’t...