Email: Mine and URINE

Email: Mine and URINE

Have you ever noticed the people who are most likely to warn us of the dangers of email are also the ones who are most likely to keep us waiting longest for replies to our emails — and least likely to think their icing us is rude, discourteous, or unprofessional? They...
Do the Herky Jerky

Do the Herky Jerky

When it comes to topics for blogs posts, I tend to have a fair degree of fortitude (or at least I imagine I do). But I have to admit this one made me a little squeamish: “Jerky Juggernaut and the Power of Protein”. This part was unsettling enough: Sales...
The Variable SEO Scale

The Variable SEO Scale

I was right on the verge of doing something drastic. And I wasn’t taking chances: I had a full can of Drano, five cyanide capsules, two guns, five razor blades, a noose, and a Barry Manilow DVD. A client — a provider of enterprise software and services — had...
Market Karma

Market Karma

I don’t want to sound vindictive. But there are very rare moments at which the market’s disinclination to tolerate garbage dovetails harmoniously with karma’s disinclination to being denied. And when they come along, you have to take notice. Case in...
Contagious Human Characters

Contagious Human Characters

Forbes has introduced something called BrandVoice, which it describes thusly: Forbes BrandVoice allows marketers to connect directly with the Forbes audience by enabling them to create content – and participate in the conversation – on the Forbes digital publishing...