Big Data: Cynicism vs. Reality

Big Data: Cynicism vs. Reality

At the rate at which Goliaths seem to be taking hits, I’m starting to wonder if David may have invested in a machine-gun version of his trusty slingshot. First it was inbound marketing. Then it was performance appraisals. Now it’s Big Data. The most recent...
Marketing Should Be Simple: Part Deux

Marketing Should Be Simple: Part Deux

Perfect order is the forerunner of perfect horror. (Carlos Fuentes) If I weren’t the epitome of the Eternal Optimist — and if I didn’t believe utterly in the cyclical nature of all things (yes, sanity WILL return) — I’d be despondent right about now....
Catch the Buzz

Catch the Buzz

I was talking to my Zen master, Buzz Siddhartha, the other day. We actually don’t talk much. We usually just sort of stare at each other in ostensible attempts to achieve various states of being and nothingness. (Buzz is French on his mother’s side.) But...
Pre-Crisis Public Relations

Pre-Crisis Public Relations

Kevin Donnellon, president of Macali Communications, published a list of seven tips for managing prospective public-relations disasters under this headline: “Preparing For Your Jared Fogle or Spokesperson Crisis”. Mr. Donnellon’s syntactical and...
In the Soup

In the Soup

Thou shalt not dilute thy brand.1 Thou shalt not create brand confusion.2 Apparently, the folks at Google neglected to read The Branding Bible (or at least my book therein) before getting themselves in the soup with their recent (re)branding debacle. As result,...