An Unhappy Medium

An Unhappy Medium

This is going to disappoint a lot of people. I’m sorry. It can’t be helped. Sometimes I feel like a professional bearer of bad news. And this news is less popular than most: Marketing people aren’t clairvoyant. There. I’ve said (typed) it. Now...
It Couldn’t Hurt

It Couldn’t Hurt

The results of a five-year study on suicide trends were published in Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology a few years ago, indicating people are more likely to commit suicide on Wednesdays than any other day of the week. As a public service, we offer a...
Are You Kidding?

Are You Kidding?

This Fast Company article — “The Best Time of Day to Do Everything at Work” — is a wonderfully theoretical thing. But as Albert Einstein famously said: In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they’re different. In theory, then, the...
The Figurative Jungle

The Figurative Jungle

I’ve added to my fledgling collection of books for children by authoring another one, entitled The One and Only Ben. It’s being illustrated by a multi-talented young woman, Shelley Shaw. The image above is the first illustration Shelley created for the book. In brief,...


Since I’m nothing if not eternally optimistic, I admit to being a tad perplexed by the fact that, as a species, we remain almost impregnably naive about all matters related to electronic communications. After all, it’s been at least 35 years since Al Gore...