A Secret for Sales People
It’s a pretty common occurrence for sales people to know a company they would like to approach but not know who to get in touch with. Using Google can sometimes help with finding a name and title, but more often than not, the email address becomes difficult to pin down.

Are Landing Pages Important?
A quick search for the “value of landing pages” will yield two reasons to use them that can be summarized thusly: Landing pages increase conversions and are lead generation monsters.

Ya Know (What) I Mean
What the hell happened? I realize ya know showed up right about the same time as um, uh, ah, well, basically, ya see, and other rhetorical delay tactics came into popular usage. They’re delay tactics because they’re the utterances we use in the attempt to...
How To Properly Read an Email
In today’s spam-ridden email world, it seems as if some folks have forgotten how to read an email. Being in account management, I send out my fair share of email correspondence each day and am truly baffled at how little people read what I have written, especially if there is an attachment.