by Mark O'Brien | Aug 31, 2021
In celebration of Back to School Week, Harvard Business Review (HBR) published another article for children. This one particularly targets children who work from home, who experience periodic feelings that the world may not exist to make them happy, who have rather...
by JoAnna Bennett | Aug 26, 2021
RETREAT & RESUME Retreat. Read. Rest. Resume. JoAnna Bennett, O’Brien Communications Group 26 August 2021 I walked onto the porch, my Kindle in hand. I sat in the wrought iron patio chair and found it rather difficult to get comfortable. So, I sauntered back...
by Mark O'Brien | Aug 24, 2021
Late last week and early this week, parts of the northeast were being warned to brace for the arrival of Hurricane Henri. (I live in central Connecticut.) As a result, news outlets — broadcast and online — were selling tons of advertising by sharing hysteria mixed...
by Mark O'Brien | Aug 10, 2021
Part A I don’t think most people know or believe how much I love people. If you overlook the facts that they’re forever ignoring history — including their own pasts — and so hopelessly addicted to instant gratification that they make themselves precedent...
by Mark O'Brien | Aug 2, 2021
I’m not precisely sure I had many expectations of the coronavirus pandemic. I guess if I’d given it any thought, I may have imagined it’d make us more self-reliant, more resourceful, more determined to do for ourselves and to take care of others. If...
by Mark O'Brien | Jul 26, 2021
I think my life has an inverse relationship with the writers and the members of the editorial staff at Harvard Business Review (HBR). Here’s why: As I get older, HBR’s writers and editorial personnel seem to get younger. As I get more mature, more things...