Catch the Buzz

Catch the Buzz

I was talking to my Zen master, Buzz Siddhartha, the other day. We actually don’t talk much. We usually just sort of stare at each other in ostensible attempts to achieve various states of being and nothingness. (Buzz is French on his mother’s side.) But...
The Promise of Promise

The Promise of Promise

promise (noun): a declaration that something will or will not be done, given, etc.; e.g., unkept political promises Just when you thought it was safe to hypothesize that human nature might have evolved emotionally and psychologically to a point at which the...
Welcome to the Bandwagon, Twitter

Welcome to the Bandwagon, Twitter

The bandwagon is about to get a little more crowded, kids. According to Neil Hughes, Twitter might be on the verge of ditching its differentiation: “Has Twitter Ditched 140 Character Limit to Crack Dark Social?” Why would they do such a thing? For two...
Stop the Presses

Stop the Presses

Sound the alarm! Call out the hysterics! Summon the Special Interest Police! Mobilize the Social Equalizers! Put out an APB (absolutely peremptory blame)! Money just published the results of an incriminating study — “Getting Mad at Work Can Cost Women $15,000 in...
Writers, Rejoice!

Writers, Rejoice!

Well, well. well. Look what I found. An exoneration. An affirmation. A contradiction of the ever-absurd notion that the only things people will read are bullet points, tweets, or series of acronyms: “Your Customers Like Long-Form Content Much More Than You Think...
Laurence Peter Got it Right

Laurence Peter Got it Right

Disruption is back. Actually, it never really went anywhere — not, at least, since it became a buzzword. It reappeared last month in a post called, “Think outside the box: Adaptation (not disruption) is the game”. The post states concisely in 485 words...