by Mark O'Brien | Jan 12, 2016
Why in the world do we think we’ll see, perceive, or even recognize innovation? That question leapt to mind, yet again, when I read this: “Why Real Innovation Will Not Come From Within Your Own Industry”. Outside your own industry? If real innovation...
by Mark O'Brien | Jan 11, 2016
I’ve fought it long enough. In recent days, there have been reports published by Deloitte, PwC, Ernst & Young, Boston Consulting Group, Accenture, KPMG, Bain & Company, Booz & Company, McKinsey & Company, and Artie Fleegleman & Company...
by Mark O'Brien | Dec 23, 2015
Because I’m nothing if not fair, balanced, and inclusive, I recognized my duty immediately when I read “The 19 hottest female-founded startups of 2015”. So, without further ado, here are your 10 hottest male-founded startups of 2015: The Beer Sling....
by Mark O'Brien | Dec 18, 2015
I’m a sucker. I admit it. I own what was purported to be the deed to the Brooklyn Bridge. And I own swampland in Florida that promises to be prime real estate as soon as climate change renders it an arid plain — or global warming causes the rising seas to turn...
by Mark O'Brien | Dec 11, 2015
If you read this article from Fast Company — “What Does Authenticity Really Mean?” — you’ll get a smorgasbord of options: According to one person cited in the article, “If you want to be a leader, you have to be yourself—skillfully.” So,...
by Mark O'Brien | Nov 23, 2015
I’m noticing what seems to be a proliferation of a phenomenon called use cases. These seem to constitute vignettes or scenarios in which sellers of products or services illustrate various applications of said products or services — having already elucidated the...