by Mark O'Brien | Jul 28, 2016
Oh, boy. Here’s another guy who wants to tell us what to do. It’s no coincidence, by the way, that he also wants to sell us something (dig a little more deeply under the free free Web training*): Interested in more? This article is an adaptation of a...
by Mark O'Brien | Jul 11, 2016
These are tough times here in these United States. Seeming to be anything but united, we seem to be intent on finding every way imaginable to divide, to disagree, to fight, to kill, and to point fingers at everyone but ourselves for what we’re doing, for the...
by Mark O'Brien | May 16, 2016
Trying to get through a recent post of nearly 4,000 words, which turned out to be an infomercial for an equally windy 124-page report from Deloitte, put me in mind of this passage from Alice’s Restaurant, since the post contains … … twenty seven...
by Mark O'Brien | Mar 4, 2016
Some syntactical constructions are a little harder to penetrate than others. The following snippet requires a hammer drill with a diamond bit to permeate, after which it could still stand some explication. The snippet comes from an article entitled, “Why The...
by Mark O'Brien | Feb 26, 2016
In yet another manifestation of the universal truth that one man’s crisis is another man’s blessing, I humbly offer this: “McDonald’s all-day breakfast is causing a crisis in the fast-food world”. Crisis? Aside from the fact that Jack In...
by Mark O'Brien | Jan 29, 2016
This may seem premature. But I’m wondering if you’re confused yet. Good. So am I. Since I’m in the marketing and advertising businesses, at least to a certain extent, I’m always curious (Wow! What’s that?), intrigued (Hey! That’s...