

Bearing in mind that I write from the relatively affluent western part of the world — from the United States of America, in particular — I recognize the generalizations I express herein are limited to the socio-economic realities of geography. And I...
Pre-Crisis Public Relations

Pre-Crisis Public Relations

Kevin Donnellon, president of Macali Communications, published a list of seven tips for managing prospective public-relations disasters under this headline: “Preparing For Your Jared Fogle or Spokesperson Crisis”. Mr. Donnellon’s syntactical and...
The Promise of Promise

The Promise of Promise

promise (noun): a declaration that something will or will not be done, given, etc.; e.g., unkept political promises Just when you thought it was safe to hypothesize that human nature might have evolved emotionally and psychologically to a point at which the...
Welcome to the Bandwagon, Twitter

Welcome to the Bandwagon, Twitter

The bandwagon is about to get a little more crowded, kids. According to Neil Hughes, Twitter might be on the verge of ditching its differentiation: “Has Twitter Ditched 140 Character Limit to Crack Dark Social?” Why would they do such a thing? For two...
Death by Bureaucracy

Death by Bureaucracy

We seem to have another fledgling theme on our hands, kids. Less than three weeks after Ron Baker and I sounded the death knell for performance appraisals, Richard Moran offers a variation on the tune with this post: “Death to Performance Reviews!” Mr....
A Screw Loose

A Screw Loose

I was intrigued by a headline I read the other day: “The 3 Business Models That Matter for Connected Hardware Startups”. True to the headline, the article under the headline went on to list  … well … you know. I recognize the likelihood that I...