Disruptive Innovation Research

Disruptive Innovation Research

A phrase caught my eye the other day. It was one of those phrases that was sad, disheartening, and demoralizing all at the same time. It was sad because whomever wrote it no doubt believed he thought it meant something and also believed he knew what that something...
Some Things Can’t Change

Some Things Can’t Change

These are tough times here in these United States. Seeming to be anything but united, we seem to be intent on finding every way imaginable to divide, to disagree, to fight, to kill, and to point fingers at everyone but ourselves for what we’re doing, for the...
We Are What We Eat

We Are What We Eat

The perils of ingesting gluten have been fairly exhaustively chronicled, here and in other other, almost equally august media. Nevertheless, as is our incorrigibly human knack, we remain susceptibly gullible to all manner of fads, frauds, flimflams, and other forms of...
LinkedIn is Taking Itself Out

LinkedIn is Taking Itself Out

The blind squirrel found an acorn. It was bound to happen. After stumbling around in an amaurotic crepuscule, falling out of a few trees, and living in a virtually opaque stupor, the scansorial rodent finally discovered what empiricists working with even modestly...
Innovation is the New Fear

Innovation is the New Fear

Some syntactical constructions are a little harder to penetrate than others. The following snippet requires a hammer drill with a diamond bit to permeate, after which it could still stand some explication. The snippet comes from an article entitled, “Why The...