by Mark O'Brien | Jan 14, 2016
Whoa! For a second there, I thought it was 2016. Then this yanked me back to reality: “Here’s what hiring managers REALLY think of your tattoos” (WARNING: Exhausting infographic to follow.) That’s right. In whatever year this is, evidently some...
by Mark O'Brien | Jan 12, 2016
Why in the world do we think we’ll see, perceive, or even recognize innovation? That question leapt to mind, yet again, when I read this: “Why Real Innovation Will Not Come From Within Your Own Industry”. Outside your own industry? If real innovation...
by Mark O'Brien | Dec 23, 2015
Because I’m nothing if not fair, balanced, and inclusive, I recognized my duty immediately when I read “The 19 hottest female-founded startups of 2015”. So, without further ado, here are your 10 hottest male-founded startups of 2015: The Beer Sling....
by Mark O'Brien | Dec 18, 2015
I’m a sucker. I admit it. I own what was purported to be the deed to the Brooklyn Bridge. And I own swampland in Florida that promises to be prime real estate as soon as climate change renders it an arid plain — or global warming causes the rising seas to turn...
by Mark O'Brien | Dec 14, 2015
As regular readers of my ravings are well aware, I’ve had some trouble keeping up with some of the latest developments in eye care, eye ware, and vision-correcting technologies and techniques. Well, I suspect, with no small degree of discomfort, that I may have...